Thousands of shoe factories here shut down in protest! 'We've been cheated'!


Recently, the All India United Footwear Association, Sole, Accessories and Foam Association, organized by the Footwear Federation of India, held a general assembly in Agra.

They are united in their opposition to an increase in the Goods and Services Tax (GST) from 5% to 12%.

Shoe manufacturers, workers and footwear association officials from 26 states attended the meeting and protested by shutting down shoe-making shops and factories.

According to reports, since the footwear GST tax rate was raised to 12%, domestic footwear sales did not increase but decreased. In the five categories of 6401 to 6405, a total of 1,085 merchants cancelled their registration, which is undoubtedly a clear signal.

Agra's domestic shoe trade is facing a downturn due to the central government's imposition of a 12% GST. If the GST rate for domestic shoes can be reduced from 12% to 5%, Agra's shoe trade is expected to recover.

Source: Multiple media

Photo: Screenshot of the report

Vijay Sama, president of the Agra Footwear Federation, said: "We are all gathered together because we have been cheated. Increased taxes are taking away our livelihoods."

Agra used to supply about 65 per cent of India's shoes, but that has now fallen to less than 50 per cent, he said.

Local women had to switch to making chowka utensils, and young people began to move out. Sama said he will not stop his efforts until their demands are met.

Sama also stressed that the increase in taxes on the Agra shoe industry is threatening their economic base. Other shoe manufacturers have also expressed dissatisfaction with the government's 12 per cent GST levy, which they see as a stranglehold on them.

They warned of possible street riots if the government did not accept their demands. Recalling the demonetisation, the implementation of GST and the successive blows to the footwear industry by the pandemic, they said that every time they encountered difficulties, they would come together to overcome them.

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