Routine inspection of heat press --- Tongxiang heat press

Routine inspection of heat press --- Tongxiang heat press

The manufacturer of the hot press said that no matter what type of equipment it is, it should pay attention to safety issues when using it, and strictly operate it according to the specifications. #heat press#---Tongxiang heat press

In order to ensure the normal use of the hot press, it is necessary to carry out some routine inspections, such as checking the accumulator charging, motor, reducer, bearing heating, lubrication, transmission, and whether the pneumatic components work normally. At the same time, pay attention to check whether there is a jam between the pressing plate of the hot press, the beam and the frame, and check the working condition of the tie rod, whether it is loose or dropped. When loading the plate, pay attention to check whether the pallet may be damaged. If there is a situation, press the emergency stop button immediately; and the slab, rough plate, etc. cannot stay in the hot press for too long to avoid fire. If there is a power failure To manually push the lower valve of the press, push out the rough plate.

Also pay attention to cleaning the dust and dirt on the surface of the heat transfer oil pipe, pay attention to check whether there is iron foreign matter entering the press, avoid damage to the pressure plate, and check whether the hot oil pump is abnormal, etc., so as to ensure the safety of equipment and personnel --- Tongxiang Hot Press

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